The Augmented is an ecosystem of start-ups specialized in AI. We accelerate innovation by emulation!
Our founding principles
AI & DT Expertise
Since 20 years, our passionate founders bring together talents holding rare and valuable AI & Digital Transformation expertise. And partner with specialized training centers.
With many years of experience in the launch of start-ups and different structures, we offer you our expertise in this field.
Innovation Platforms
Because things are moving very fast, accelerating your time-to-market is essential to remain leader of your sector. That’s why we offer you the new generation of turnkey BtoB and BtoC platforms.
We believe that working in an ecosystem is the future. We have gathered in the same ecosystem various start-ups and talents with complementary expertises, ready to go.
Our ambition: create x10 products, beautiful to look at, easy to use and simple to activate.
In order to always use the most advanced and performant technology, our R&D scanns and tests dozens of APIs and modules to chose only the most powerful.
Our convictions
We believe in AI, in its mindful usage to build today the performant companies of tomorrow.

Time to Market
Digital transformation was already too fast for a lot of companies. AI revolution will go much faster for a mindset change more important. The traditional actors should engage quickly AI initiatives if they want to survive!
Learning by doing
The only way to perform with AI, is to PLAY AI. Chose a topic and GO. The most important is to start!

A dynamic ecosystem
A huge number of solutions to answer to several needs! Using only 1 AI platform is the best way to miss a powerful framework that brings you the best solution for a minimum effort.
Our activities



How we onboard start-up & big company